Even the Padre Has Needs and These Are Great Gifts for Priests for Him

Inside the vestment, the prayerfulness, the humility, and many other priestly attributes, that priest you have in mind are also human and like every other human, he will welcome the act of getting gifts.

Gifts giving remains one of the most genuine ways to express love and show concern to everyone, we will all smile at the thought of receiving gifts, especially from those who mean a lot to us and people who we have sacrificed for.

Your priest is one of those who have sacrificed for you, although in no were as comparable as our lord and savior but he has dedicated his life to teaching and spreading the word and for such a major sacrifice you should get any of these gifts for priests for him (her). Before I proceed, these are gifts for priests when they are leaving your parish or church.

Best Gifts for Priests

1. White Tab Collar Pack

gifts for priestsgifts for priests

This might seem like a pretty little gift to get your priest, it might look to you like it is insignificant, I mean he probably has one already.

The thing with most priests is they are pretty humble and would accept anything no matter how little as it is the act that matters.

Well, a pack of white tab collars isn’t a “little” gift, you’ll be getting your priest a vast amount of options to pick from.

Available Here

2. Wooden Faith Box

gifts for priestsgifts for priests

This is one awesome gift for every religious Christian, especially your priest. It is the representation of the three crosses present at the crucifixion of Jesu Christ.

It is further adorned with a LED light that gives the cross a unique reflection on the wall when it is dark. It also gives room for your priest to have his bible, lectionary, or any other religious book. This is awesome decor to have in his house.

Available Here

3. Leather Padfolio

gifts for priestsgifts for priests

You are likely to find most rev fathers with this type of padfolio, they often have leaflets, diaries, little prayer books and so many other documents in them.

Right here is a beautiful padfolio made from faux leather. The most obvious part of this is the bible verse scribbled at its front which reminds the priest of his great reward.

Available Here

4. Olive Wood Crucifix

gifts for priestsgifts for priests

This wood cross depicts pictures of the fourteen stations of the cross. It is typical that Christians pray the stations of the cross while moving, but in tight spaces, one can pray it while fixated at a point. This cross would help your priest meditate and he can have this in his private chapel.

Available Here

5. Woven, Lined Madonna and Child

gifts for priestsgifts for priests

This is the depiction of Our Lady with baby Jesus it can also be used as a rosary pouch. It is an ideal gift for a stylish priest. Besides the rosary, he can have other stuff in it like a prayer book, pamphlet, and many others.

Available Here

6. Gold Italian Rosary

gifts for priestsgifts for priests

Of course, this isn’t real gold, I mean if it were you’ll be putting your priest at risk. Nevertheless, this is one iconic gold rosary that would make praying it even more relaxing and premium.

Available Here

7. Relic Keepsake Rosary Holder

gifts for priestsgifts for priests

This is a bit similar to one of the gifts above, in place of being a pouch this is a stand that features a carved image of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This holder is more of a stationary gift, one your priest would seldom carry around.

Available Here

8. Madonna Rosary Holder

gifts for priestsgifts for priests

This is another Madonna rosary holder, perfect for keeping his rosary in good shape and having it readily available at all times.

Available Here

9. Travel Organizer

gifts for priestsgifts for priests

We have some priests who are always on the road, I think they are called missionary priests, various priestly organizations entail the priest always being mobile.

Getting this travel organizer for such a priest would be you doing him a great favor. With this, his movement would be a bit more organized and the chances of him forgetting something would be slim.

Available Here

10. Relic Rosary Trinket Box

gifts for priestsgifts for priests

This rosary trinket gives that nostalgic feeling of centuries ago. It is a gift made of bronze and would be a good item to have in his house or private chapel. It is one iconic box with carvings of Jesus Christ being a teacher.

Available Here

11. Toiletry Bag

gifts for priestsgifts for priests

This toiletry bag is another ideal gift for the priest who is often on the road, it is the perfect bag to help him organize perfectly for every journey that the mission demands of him.

Available Here

12. Mass KIT

gifts for priestsgifts for priests

Most of what the priest uses on the alter isn’t gotten for free, the church often provides them, however, there are some mass celebrations

that he needs to make, and carrying the other vessels in the church wouldn’t be ideal, in such cases a Mass kit such as this is the perfect item to get him.

With this, your mobile priest would always be armed with his vessels to celebrate mass at any point in time. This mass kit is to a priest what a gun is to a soldier.

Available Here

13. Weighted Blanket

gifts for priestsgifts for priests

Although he is covered by the blood of Jesus, it doesn’t mean he can’t catch a cold or wouldn’t need a blanket for the winter. Make his cold nights and evenings a bit more relaxed and cozy by grabbing this weighted blanket.

Available Here

14. Sacrament Keepsake Box

gifts for priestsgifts for priests

With this box, your priest can properly arrange his mass vessels or kit and also have other important documents and books neatly arranged inside here.

This box is made of bronze and is adorned with some religious symbols making it an even more perfect gift for your priest. Minus its use case as a storage box, the beauty this box offers could make it serve as a decoration.

Available Here

15. Praying Hands Rosary Holder

gifts for priestsgifts for priests

The name says it all, it is a carving of a hand in prayers while being engraved with some inspirational words for any religious receiver.

Available Here

16. The Virgin Mary Tapestry

gifts for priestsgifts for priests

This blanket is woven from cotton and features an image representation of The Blessed Virgin Mary, angels, and she carrying Jesus.

It is one beautiful piece to have at home and would breathe a light of religiosity into every home or bed the blanket is arranged on.

Available Here

17. Gallon Water Bottle

gifts for priestsgifts for priests

For his journeys, his walk out, his jogging, on strolls, and during office hours, this gallon of water is the perfect gift for every man.

It would help your priest stay hydrated, especially after his long preaching, counseling, or confessions. The use case of this water bottle is pretty vast.

Available Here

18. Funny Coffe Mug

gifts for priestsgifts for priests

While the inscription on this mug would first make everyone laugh, I have to admit that I take those words seriously.

I’m sometimes skeptical of what I say around my priests, especially during confession ALTHOUGH I am aware that priests are under very serious oaths and have a duty to never reveal.

Available Here

19. Fascia or Sash

gifts for priestsgifts for priests

You often see your priest with a long piece of cloth on his neck, something that resembles a sash. Yeah, it is part of the vestments all priests often wear. You can put a smile on your father’s face by getting him this fabulous sash.

Available Here

20. Religious Gift Box

gifts for priestsgifts for priests

This gift box features a pen and a keyholder and the box in itself is a great piece to get your priest, it also has a letter meant for him to show how appreciative you are of him.

Available Here

Wrapping it up on Gifts for Priests

Some very thoughtful gifts for priests include a mass kit box, a rosary holder, a priest gift box, a sash, a leather portfolio, a travel bag, and other items that would make his mission a bit easier. Getting gifts for most religious men of God doesn’t have to see you breaking the bank because the thought is what matters the most. Still, I often suggest you get them gifts they could use.

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