They Often Come Through When You Need Them, so These Are Gifts for UPS Drivers to Appreciate Them

You never know how vital the UPS driver is until you need last-minute gifts or presents. These guys are always there helping our society run smoothly; this alone merits us showing how appreciative we are of them periodically.

In this guide, I’ve come up with some exciting gifts for ups drivers, these gifts range from things they’ll use during their jobs to excellent keepsakes, however, there’s a catch with getting gifts for delivery guys generally, and that’s this.

This is what UPS management has to say about giving gifts to UPS drivers; I quote.

At UPS, we train our drivers to politely decline tips; however, when a customer insists, we allow our folks to accept nominal gratuities. We do not suggest an amount or range for monetary gratuities. Our drivers receive heartfelt and sincere gifts of baked goods, knitted items, and even invitations to holiday parties. Ultimately we let them use their own judgment about whether or not to accept or decline a gift.” – Justin Luther, UPS Public Relations.

So, we agree that UPS management doesn’t frown at their drivers receiving gifts but reminds you that you aren’t obligated. I don’t even see the need to remind us as gift-giving is often a choice.

Nevertheless, these are thoughtful gifts for UPS drivers; the driver in this context could be someone you are related to, a family member, a neighbor, or a friend; it could also be the actual delivery guy’s stranger; in both cases, you’ll indeed find something for them here. Vivian came up with some ideal gifts for FedEx drivers here.

Other Gifts for Drivers

Best Gifts for UPS Drivers

1. Pure Protein Bars

gifts for ups driversgifts for ups drivers

An edible item is one of the best gifts for the UPS driver delivering your goods. Besides being cheap, edibles like this are simple gifts and fit perfectly within UPS policies. These are packs of protein bars that are perfect for every delivery guy.

Available Here

2. Pretzel Sticks

gifts for ups driversgifts for ups drivers

The protein bars would do and so will these packs of Pretzel sticks. This package contains about forty, that’s a whooping amount this should take him for up to a month. We have a gift guide for bus drivers here.

Available Here

3. Hydration Multiplier

gifts for ups driversgifts for ups drivers

I believe the UPS driver has a water bottle, but here’s the thing, the water bottle has a limited amount of liquid it can carry and he consumes much amounts of water (something I advise he should) he’ll often need to refill, but with this hydration multiplier, a few drops would be enough to keep your UPS driver hydrated for a good amount of time which in turn would cut down on the amount of refilling he’ll have to do.

Available Here

4. Cocktail Peanuts

gifts for ups driversgifts for ups drivers

Edibles would always be perfect, a bucket of peanut are some thoughtful gifts for him. He’ll have a full bucket to keep chewing while driving, justs chewing continuously would help him stay awake and alert.

Available Here

5. Portable Oven

gifts for ups driversgifts for ups drivers

This gift would be best suited for the UPS driver who you know outside work, example your neighbour family member, relation or someone you are in a relationship with.

When driving miles in the blistering cold and blazing sun, this portable oven would be right there to ensure your dear UPS driver always has a good warm dish around.

Available Here

6. White Travel Mug

gifts for ups driversgifts for ups drivers

A mug is another interesting gift to get the UPS driver, it is simple and classic but also something he’ll need for his series of driving. I also agree with the inscription on the mug. Meanwhile, we also have great gifts for truck drivers.

Available Here

7. UPS Driver T-shirt

gifts for ups driversgifts for ups drivers

I so much admire people who love their jobs and are proud of it, they often have a positive attitude and their vibes are always right. If you have a UPS driver who fits this description, then you can contribute to his “brag” by grabbing this nice t-shirt.

Available Here

8. Fleece 2-in-1 Hat

gifts for ups driversgifts for ups drivers

A 2-in-1 hat that serves as a mask also would be nice gift especially when they are driving for hours in the cold evening. This hat is also a cool outfit so when not at work they can still look good in this.

Available Here

9. UPS Pullback Miniature Truck

gifts for ups driversgifts for ups drivers

Most times you don’t to overwork yourself in picking a good gift for people in general, a simple gift that is “their profession-themed” would do so you should grab this miniature truck for your UPS driver.

They can have this as a toy, a decor or a keepsake whatever way they choose to use it, this would be one interesting yet simple gift for your UPS driver.

Available Here

10. UPS Ankle Socks

gifts for ups driversgifts for ups drivers

Six-packs of socks all celebrating the UPS driver would do, they get to have options. These are actually nice socks made with durable cotton material making it fluff and comfortable.

Available Here

11. Brown UPS Hoodie

gifts for ups driversgifts for ups drivers

The socks and this hoodie are some nice gifts for the UPS driver, although I know he often has his specific uniform but if there’s ever a need for a hoodie while in his uniform it is best if he has a UPS hoodie on.

Available Here

12. Delivery Driver Sign

gifts for ups driversgifts for ups drivers

It would be nice to have this in his garage or even his room door.

Available Here

13. Work Glove

gifts for ups driversgifts for ups drivers

While making delivery especially at night the cold would often be blistering, its a whole different level of agony when making night delivery during the winter, as this would likely be the case during the Christmas holiday.

These are gloves that would ensure he stays warm around the clock, he’ll love them. These  gloves are durable so your dear UPS driver would have them for a long time.

Available Here

14. UPS Baseball Cap

gifts for ups driversgifts for ups drivers

The hoodie, socks, and this cap are other UPS clothes or outfits he’ll love. I don’t think it is against company policy to have something like this while at work.

Available Here

15. Box Chocolates

gifts for ups driversgifts for ups drivers

I often turn to boxes of chocolates or cookies when I can’t decide on what to get my receiver, in this case, your dear UPS driver would fancy this box of chocolates. It will come n handy during his drive and will keep him company.

Available Here

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